Monday, 7 September 2009


I finally got round to watching the film awaydays the other day,although its good to get a northern football firm (the wolf pack!!! oh dear) story on film, tho its from a novel of the same name,i was very disappointed,the story centres around the super cool one off the main lads elvis and the wannabe annoying new boy carty's relationship,its sort off like the film my beautiful laundrate but with football violence instead of bumming,mind you it looked like they whould start doing it at anytime.I just didnt understand the story what so ever,i think its a case off the scousers trying too be to clever,instead off just making it funny,we know how much the mickeys like a laff!
Fashion wise it was pretty good,tho having us mancs in donkey jackets and bovver boots was a bit off a piss take,we all know the scousers started the scally (casuals) movement,but us mancs had perry boys (casuals) at roughly the same time,it was the rest off the country that was slow off the mark in the dressing stakes.
Nick Love's version off the 80s film the firm,is out next week the orignal had a fairly good story but was let down in other ways particular how they had them dressing,mind you the cock-er-neys are always behind the door!!!
The new version (link)looks very bright,with pastel coloured FULL tracksuits worn to the match,to be honest i never saw any off the lads with FULL trackies on at matches i went to,the tops defo,but thats cock-er-neys for you,will look foreward to seeing it tho.